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Frequently Asked Questions

When was Latino Lubbock Magazine started?

Latino Lubbock Magazine (LLM) was founded in May 2006, officially became a registered business in October 2006, and printed its first publication January 2007.


Who owns Latino Lubbock Magazine?

Christy Martinez-Garcia, a Lubbock native, is the founder, owner, and publisher of Latino Lubbock Magazine. Currently, her daughter, Amaris Garcia, who began as a teen contributor, now serves as Assistant Editor and Digital Media Manager for LLM.


What was the inspiration for Latino Lubbock Magazine?

Christy Martinez-Garcia's interest in creating Latino Lubbock Magazine was spurred by the lack of accurate and objective news related to the Latino community, coverage of Hispanic events, history of Lubbock Hispanics, understanding of the Hispanic community, and, a lack of centralized information resources for the Latino community.


In 2005-06, she gauged Lubbock's mainstream market and found that 80% of the news about Hispanics was related to crime, negative, or used undesirable terms to describe immigrants, which she said, "often contribute to the growing trend of profiling Latinos as non-Americans or foreigners and using them as scapegoats for a variety of society’s ills."


As such, she decided to turn a negative into a positive and create a publication that was objective, accurate and would provide simple coverage of complex issues for independent coverage for all the community. As her catchphrase refers, "Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective." And, most importantly in Christy's words, "a tool for fruitful dialogue and understanding for Lubbock."


How does LLM generate funds considering it is free?

Free community newspapers like Latino Lubbock Magazine receives revenue through advertising. Advertisers pay a set rate depending on the size of the ad, as well as how many words and colors it uses. Companies can also pay for other ad options such as pop-up ads, such as wraps or inserts. In addition, other services are available including digital media, translations, designs, photography, and PR and marketing consulting services. LLM also generates revenue from photo orders, and mail and online subscriptions.


Free community newspapers like LLM save money by including content by contributors who work for free or for little money. These newspapers also print reader opinions or feedback from previously posted articles.


Companies benefit from advertising in free community newspapers because they reach a large, diverse audience.


Why does LLM refer to itself as a magazine instead of a newspaper?

The Latino Lubbock Magazine is a newspaper is designed in a magazine format and is a serial publication containing news about current events, other informative articles about politics, sports, arts, health, and so on, as well as advertising. We print on newspaper broadsheet paper; however, we use the full-color process on various pages.


How do you come up with stories?

We seek stories that are untold, unique, of cultural interest, as well as culturally competent. We like feel-good, positive achievements. Bottom line, we like to showcase the Hispanic community, and that’s why our catch phrase is, “Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective.”

Most stories are referred to Latino Lubbock Magazine.


Is there a cost for photos that are taken at the events?

Photos are available for purchase for $5 for a print copy, or $10 for a digital copy.


When is the deadline to submit news, and for advertising?

News and information are due by the 18th.

Ad design/insertion due by the 21st. Camera ready ads are due by the 25th of each month.


How often does LLM print?

Latino Lubbock Magazine prints monthly, 12 times a year.


When does Latino Lubbock Magazine hit stands?

LLM is available the 1st and 2nd, weather permitting. Sometimes, especially on holidays and weekends, it will also be delivered on the 3rd.


Is LLM located only in Lubbock?

Latino Lubbock Magazine is distributed in over 300 high-traffic locations points in Lubbock, and 23 rural communities including Plainview, Hale Center, Cotton Center, Abernathy, New Deal, Idalou, Lorenzo, Morton, Wolfforth, Ralls, Slaton, Lorenzo, O’Donnell, Lamesa, Shallowater, Anton, Littlefield, Pep, Brownfield, Wilson, Petersburgh, Tahoka, Crosbyton, and Levelland.


LLM is exploring placement in other neighboring cities including Midland and Odessa.


Is Latino Lubbock Magazine only for Hispanics/Latinos? Latino Lubbock Magazine is a publication for anyone interested in "Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective." So many valuable resources are centralized in Latino Lubbock Magazine. The publication is bilingual - 33% read in English, 33% read in Spanish, and 33 prefer both English and Spanish. So anyone can read it.


What is Latino Lubbock Magazine's Mission Statement? "Provide Lubbock news from a Latino perspective for the emerging voice of Lubbock with objectivity, professionalism, cultural understanding, and accuracy; and, give Latinos a publication by, about, and for them that they can take pride in; and, the community a tool for better understanding and creating dialogue." 



Why is the butterfly used in the logo?

The significance of the Monarch butterfly (mariposa ) for Christy has several meanings and symbolism.

She believes that the metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly transcends a spiritual growth. She said that this process has been compared to the Christian life; a wonderful illustration from God’s creation. Christy is a Christain. More so, the purpose of every butterfly is to set everything that was once known aside and to embrace new opportunities - change.


Further, Christy believes that the Monarch is so tenacious, flitting their little wings in the air, and going against the wind. "They remind me of the Hispanic community," she said.  She added that the migration of some families was much like the butterflies - n the springtime, April to June, Monarchs make their way from the south to the north.  But during the month of September, you will see these lovely creatures, winging their way south—destination, Mexico.


The butterfly is also a reminder on a journey of freedom, a purpose, a goal, that they are fulfilling, and they were not allowing anything to stop them. She said It reminds her of many of her family members and those in the Hispanic community that have also had such a fervent attitude. As it flapped its wings and the breeze blows it off-course, it continues to flap and fly in a southerly direction.  Nothing deters it.  


Despite their tenacity, she said that their grace also reminds her of many Latino families who gently care for others.


“It is a symbol experiencing constant changes, sometimes it is playful, its flight is graceful, and it’s tenacity is mighty, and that is how I view the Latino community and how I want Latino Lubbock Magazine to be for them.”

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