City of Lubbock Confirms New Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases
The City of Lubbock has confirmed nine new cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19), and 16 more listed as recovered, as of 4:00 p.m. on April 29, 2020. The total number of cases in Lubbock County is 516: 259 active, 214 listed as recovered and 43 deaths. All this information can be found on a comprehensive dashboard at
The City of Lubbock Health Department and other response agencies are prepared and have employed standard response plans designed to address and resolve public health issues. The Department will continue monitoring individuals as indicated by the CDC. The Department’s disease surveillance team will continue working diligently to ensure the public remains at a low risk of contracting COVID-19. The City of Lubbock Health Department and our health care partners will continue to monitor COVID-19 in the Lubbock area to prepare for the possibility of more local cases. Please continue to follow proper hygiene recommendations and social distancing practices.
Posted by Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media Read the April Issue of Latino Lubbock Magazine online at Please visit for a centralized list of COIV-19 resources.