Miracles Christmas Parade this Saturday, Dec. 3

The 17th Annual Miracles Christmas Parade is set for Saturday, December 3, 2022, at 6:00pm. The parade route is down 34th Street starting at 34th and Avenue Q and going West to Indiana Avenue. The nighttime, lighted parade will feature Santa Claus and approximately 40 parade units, including more than 20 floats from area businesses and non-profit groups. The parade is free of charge for spectators. Parade organizers, the Wranglers, are predicting more than 40,000 spectators along the route.
This year’s parade theme is “Ugly Sweater Christmas”. Participants and spectators are asked to wear their ugliest sweaters of all kinds! Groups and floats are asked to use as many lights as possible, with a minimum of 1,000 lights per vehicle. Our website, www.miraclesparade.com, has complete information about the parade. We are also on facebook.com.
“The entire award-winning Spirit Program groups of Texas Tech University have been named to be the official Parade Grand Marshals for 2022,” said Davis.
“The TTU Spirit Program is comprised of the Tech Pom Squad, the Coed and All Girl Cheer Squads, The Masked Rider, and Raider Red. These students lead fans in supporting Tech Athletic events and they also serve as ambassadors at over 1,000 community events each year. We are very proud to have them be a part of our 17th Annual Parade,” Davis stated.
“These extraordinary student-athletes also have been recognized nationally and globally for their extreme talent. In the past five years, they have won 11 national and world championships. Currently, Raider Red is the reigning National Champion mascot and the TTU Pom Squad is the reigning World Champion,” Davis explained.
“We are excited to have more than 600 high school band students from the four Lubbock ISD high schools to march and play Christmas songs down the parade route this year,” said Parade Chairman Jason Davis.
The U.S. Marines will have a large truck and walking soldiers to collect unwrapped toys from the public attending. This is the 75th Anniversary of the national Toys For Tots campaign. The parade is an event to gather unwrapped toys for needy children in this area. 2022 is the 75th Anniversary of the Toys For Tots in America.
The parade is free and has become a traditional family fun event over these past 17 years. Santa Claus will be in this parade to make it a complete family centered event. Spectators are also encouraged to do cookouts, picnics, and food of all kinds to better enjoy this event.
Make plans to attend this fun and free event set for Saturday, December 3, 2022. Visit the parade website at www.miraclesparade.com for all details.
Posted by Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media Read the November Issue of Latino Lubbock Magazine online at https://www.latinolubbock.net/magazine-preview To add events to the online calendar go to Submit Events
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