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NALEO Statement on Congressional Certificationof the Electoral College Results

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) today released the following statement from NALEO President Ricardo Lara following Congress’s certification of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris’s Electoral College victory and the violent actions of insurrection at the U.S. Capitol: “As the final step before President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, 2021, the 117th Congress has conducted its Constitutional duty during one of the most intemperate periods of attack our democracy has ever had to endure. “Despite the constant barrage of misinformation and disinformation to which the American people have been subjected this election season, we must recognize the significance of our democratic process surviving an unprecedented onslaught of attempts to delegitimize, undermine, and defy how we elect our leaders. “Given the events that have unfolded at our nation’s Capitol as our leaders commenced their constitutional duty to certify the Electoral College results, we must acknowledge the grim reality of what has become of our divisions. The horrifying actions of insurrection and an attempted coup that we all witnessed are a direct result of the rhetoric and disinformation that have besieged our political discourse, yielding violence and chaos—words matter. “As we emerge from this tragedy, we must never forget that while the seditious violence we have seen do not represent the best of who we are, it is a symptom of the darkest parts of our society that have not just been allowed to fester but have been fed by those who wish to use misinformation and hate for the sake of holding onto power. Violence will not upend the results of an election, and the peaceful transition of power still matters. We must be better. “Although our democracy prevailed, there is still much work to be done to restore faith in our elections systems, protecting the right to vote, and making the process safe and accessible to all eligible voters. With a new Congress and Administration, it is vital that elected officials do everything in their power to meet these goals. “As an organization dedicated to America’s constitutional values and promoting full Latino participation in civic life, NALEO calls on all elected officials to condemn the violent insurrection we have seen and reaffirm our respect for the Constitution and our democracy.”



The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials is the non-partisan leadership organization of the nation’s more than 6,800 Latino elected and appointed officials.


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