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Poder Latinx Statement on Senate Parliamentarian’s Rejection of Pathway to Citizenship

Yesterday, a ruling was made by the Senate Parliamentarian against the inclusion of a pathway to citizenship through a registry proposal. This was the second strategic attempt of Senate Democrats to create a path to citizenship in recent weeks. Poder Latinx calls on fellow immigrant rights activists, organizations, and issue champions in the Senate to continue working together to ensure that a pathway is achieved this year. Poder Latinx has released the following statements on the Parliamentarian’s ruling:

“We are disappointed and angry, but the fight continues. The Parliamentarian ruling against providing a pathway to citizenship for millions of people who have sacrificed so much for this country every day putting food on our table and keeping our country afloat during a global pandemic is unjust and cruel. However, the immigrant community is resilient. We are coming together as the Latinx community to determine the next steps in our journey forward. And we will achieve a pathway to citizenship this year,” said Adonias Arevalo, national organizing director of Poder Latinx. “We knew when we set out on this journey that it wouldn’t be easy. Democrats have promised immigrant communities a solution, and we will continue holding them accountable on this promise. We will not quit fighting until we have earned a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers, TPS holders, farmworkers, and essential workers. The Parliamentarian has ruled on one possible route of many. We will continue working to ensure that the Latinx community voices are heard in this matter,” said Yadira Sanchez, co-executive director at Poder Latinx.


Posted courtesy of Latino Lubbock Magazine Digital Media Read the September Issue of Latino Lubbock Magazine online at Please visit for a centralized list of COVID-19 resources. For advertising call (806)792-1212


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