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SPP Returns to Energy Emergency Alert Level 2; LP&L and Area ElectricProviders Remain on High Alert

Southwest Power Pool (SPP), the regional transmission grid currently supplying Lubbock Power & Light’s (LP&L) local electric grid, returned to Energy Emergency Alert (EEA) Level 2 this afternoon after elevating to Level 3 conditions late morning. While the region is no longer at the highest threat level requiring controlled rotating outages, LP&L and area electric providers remain prepared to respond should grid conditions change and continue to urge costumers to cut back on electricity use.

Extreme cold weather has created energy deficiencies in the SPP region. SPP manages the electric grid across 17 central and western U.S. states and provides energy services on a contract basis to customers in both the Eastern and Western Interconnections. SPP declares an Energy Alert only when a reduction in electricity use is urgently needed to maintain the continuity of the electricity system and service to customers.

At 1 p.m. on February 15, SPP instructed LP&L to enact a brief rotating outage affecting approximately 1,000 customers across the city. The outage lasted 15 minutes and assisted in alleviating strain on the regional electric grid.

With cold temperatures still gripping the region and energy demand at record levels, electric utilities across the area continue to urge customers to reduce energy use. Doing so could help prevent the need for controlled rotating outages, and prevent the possibility of a more severe uncontrolled outage.

“This is an ongoing record weather event, bringing some of the coldest temperatures we’ve seen in 40 years,” said David McCalla, Executive Director for LP&L. “This has put a strain on grids across the state, including our region, and today we’re asking our customers to please do what they can to reduce their electric use for the stability of the overall grid.”

In addition to calling on customers to save energy, The City of Lubbock enacted measures Tuesday morning to reduce the electric consumption for all city-owned facilities. This measure helped reduce the overall load on the system. The City will continue these conservation measures until SPP has removed all Energy Emergency Alerts.

Suggestions on how reduce electricity use include:

  • Setting thermostats to 68 degrees or lower.

  • Suspending use of electrical appliances (dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, vacuum cleaners, etc.)

  • Putting off tasks at work, if possible, that would demand electricity (power tools, maintenance equipment, etc.).

  • Turning off televisions and electronic equipment unless they are necessary to conduct business or to ensure your health and safety.

  • Turn off unnecessary lighting, leaving on only enough to move about safely indoors.

LP&L will continue to monitor weather and grid conditions and will update customers as new information becomes available.



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